
Anna’s Turn

A couple of months ago I was the one finishing a long slog of study. This time it’s my wife’s turn, as she has now finished all her exams. All going well, this will mean that she will have completed her undergraduate degree. It does not mean the end of her studies – there’s at least two more years to go – but it does mark an important milestone.

Academic studies do not come naturally to Anna, and it has not been an easy path getting here. But she has persevered, learning how to learn, working out which study techniques work, and which ones don’t. In the last year in particular, she has really gotten into it, and now regularly achieves high praise for her work.

The last couple of weeks of exams were fairly intense, but I did what I could to help, and we got through it.

Since she has been working so hard, she decided she deserved a holiday, especially since I had a couple of ‘holidays’ in the USA earlier this year. I don’t think anyone who has been on a boot camp run by Narbik would describe it as a holiday, but we’ll let that slide. So she’s headed off to Brisbane for 10 days, leaving me home alone.

She thought it was a wonderful idea going to see her friends in the Brisbane area, until a couple of days out, when she realised we would be apart for 10 days. I don’t think I would be much use over there though – between Anna, Lara and Sarah, I wouldn’t get a word in the whole time.

To occupy myself, I’ve been in Wellington this weekend, at Kiwicon, a rather informal security conference. Lots of fun too. Good chance to catch up with various people I know in the industry.

Business travel coming up this week too, so I’ll be away again. Also means I won’t let the house get too messy while Anna’s away. Don’t want to get in trouble…