All of the Cisco Press books I’ve ordered have arrived, and the stack is looking pretty intimidating:

I have to work my way through that stack, not just skimming them, but paying attention, making notes as I go…it’s going to be a long winter working through them all.
I ended up buying them from a mix of Amazon, Fishpond and a local Borders store. I got lucky with the Multicast and Internet Routing Architectures books – Borders was selling them for only $20 each. They think that because they’re 10 years old, they’re out of date, but they cover core protocols, so they don’t date as quickly as technical books usually do. All the other books cost quite a bit, especially when you add International shipping. Kudos to Amazon too – one of the books was water damaged. I filled in a return form, and within 10 minutes Amazon had responded to say “We’ve shipped a replacement, and don’t worry about shipping back the old one – do whatever you like with it.” Good to see that for all the work Amazon is doing with things like EC2, they haven’t lost sight of keeping their long term customers happy.