
First stage complete

That’s the easy part out of the way – I’ve passed CCIE written. I worked my way through the huge stack of books I’ve got, managed to get enough to soak in, and got the written exam out of the way.

It wasn’t too flash, but a pass is a pass, so now I can book the lab. The aim will be to sit it late this year, before my wedding. It takes an average of 2.7 attempts to pass, so I’ll be happy to pass it in 2 attempts. The nearest location for me is Sydney. Not too bad, although it would be nicer to do it at home.

I need to do some research over the next few days, comparing and pricing workbooks, study material and rack rentals from INE, IPexpert and Cisco 360. Unfortunately it’s all very expensive (thousands of $US), so I need to do a bit of analysis before spending the cash. They have a range of different learning options, payment methods and approaches. I’ll probably go with INE, but add in a few bits and pieces from the other vendors.

Guess it was never going to be cheap studying for CCIE.

Other good news: I’ve ordered an iPad, and it should arrive next week! Purely purchased for…ah…study purposes. Yes that’s it.


It’s getting a bit silly

All of the Cisco Press books I’ve ordered have arrived, and the stack is looking pretty intimidating:

Pile of Cisco Press books
Cisco Press books

I have to work my way through that stack, not just skimming them, but paying attention, making notes as I go…it’s going to be a long winter working through them all.

I ended up buying them from a mix of Amazon, Fishpond and a local Borders store. I got lucky with the Multicast and Internet Routing Architectures books – Borders was selling them for only $20 each. They think that because they’re 10 years old, they’re out of date, but they cover core protocols, so they don’t date as quickly as technical books usually do. All the other books cost quite a bit, especially when you add International shipping. Kudos to Amazon too – one of the books was water damaged. I filled in a return form, and within 10 minutes Amazon had responded to say “We’ve shipped a replacement, and don’t worry about shipping back the old one – do whatever you like with it.” Good to see that for all the work Amazon is doing with things like EC2, they haven’t lost sight of keeping their long term customers happy.


Thinking about Libya

You always have a different perspective on a place when you’ve actually been there, rather than just seen it in pictures.

I’ve been thinking about Libya quite a bit recently, after the unrest going on there. It was only a matter of time before things came to a head there, regardless of what has been going on in surrounding countries.

The thing that stood out to me when I was there 5 years ago was the enormous Gaddafi propaganda. Every place where you might see a commercial billboard in another country, Libya had a huge picture of Gaddafi. Signs, slogans, posters. Watches were the souvenir to buy – I still have a watch somewhere around the house with a picture of Gaddafi on the face, celebrating 37 years of rule. You don’t have that much propaganda if everyone truly loves you.

It was an unusual country to visit, in many ways one of the lowest hassle Middle Eastern countries. Few tourists visit, so there hasn’t been the same development of touts, scam artists, and general level of people selling you crap you don’t need. Instead, people are reserved but friendly. It is sad to think of them at war with themselves, people being shot at by their own government. Most of the people killed will just be ordinary people, trying to go about their lives.

I recall staying in a small town in the desert, walking around, when I met a young man who asked me “What are you doing here?” He couldn’t understand why I would be in Libya, when I was lucky, I had a passport and money, I didn’t have to stay there. He did. He was learning English, maybe he got lucky, and was able to escape.

As an aside, it’s not widely known, but Libya has some of the best Roman ruins anywhere. Hopefully Gaddafi will either see sense and leave, or someone will knock him off, and this can end, without further loss of life, or damage to the archaeological treasures.

Bike Touring

Reliving Past Glories

Firstly, for my overseas readers, I can assure you that I am safe and well, and not directly affected by the Christchurch earthquake. Everyone in New Zealand knows people impacted, but luckily all those I know are safe and well. It will be a hard road for the next few years for Cantabrians, but I’m sure they will rebuild, in a distinctive style that will last them the next 150 years.

Now, people have been encouraging me to writea book about some of the things I’ve done over the last few years. Now, when you’ve lived through stuff, you don’t always see it as that big a deal, but I guess it is a bit different to most people’s perception of “normal”.

So, to that end, I’ve been reading through some of my old journals. Most stuff ends up both on the blog and in the journal, but there’s stuff that is only in the journal. Some of that will never be published anywhere else, but some of it is fit for public consumption. So I’ll try and string it together, along with some content from here, to create a more structured book. Should make it a bit easier to follow things, and maybe answer some of the common questions people have.

It has been strange reading old journals though. It brings back a few memories of strange places, and strange lands. Looking at things like the riding distances and times does seem faintly ridiculous, especially when I was covering enormous distances in western China. Given that I now sit behind a desk for 9 hours a day, it seems crazy to think that for a while I was regularly riding a bike for more time than that.

We’ll see how I get on with trying to write up something that requires a bit more planning than the off-the-cuff blog posts I used to bang out in smoky Internet cafes.

Oh and I saw a good sight while out for a ride around Mangere the other day. A car did a U-turn in front of me, coming uncomfortably close. Nothing unusual there for Auckland. But what was funny was seeing the driver lighting up a cigarette…even though the car had a large “No Smoking” sign plastered across the dashboard. Classic.


School is In

When you finish university you think to yourself “Right, that’s it, no more study, no more exams!”

But it doesn’t work that way, especially in my field. It turns out that if you want to, you can keep sitting exams pretty well forever. “Certification” is big business in the IT field. Vendors push certifications, encouraging people to  study details of their products, and pass electronic exams on them.

The theory is that if you want to deploy and manage say Cisco products, then you can hire someone who has achieved CCNP, and assume that they will have a certain amount of knowledge about Cisco routers and switches. Of course, it doesn’t always work that way – you might just have been able to memorise enough stuff to pass the exam, but be crap at actually doing stuff in the real world. There are also many highly experienced engineers I have worked with who have never completed any certifications.

There are many different certifications out there, some of them very popular, some no longer in fashion. Vendors will often have different levels, e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced. There are also vendor-neutral certifications, such as CISSP, which covers computer security without focusing on any one product or company.

Many engineers never bother with any certifications, but I do. Why? For one it makes me learn about things that I don’t necessarily use every day at work, but am interested in. It keeps me fresh, and helps if I want to move my career in a different direction. It does also help if I am looking for a new job, as it helps validate my experience. It’s not quite such a big thing in New Zealand, where everyone knows everyone, but in overseas markets, many jobs will specify minimum qualifications, just so that HR can weed out people.

Over the years, I’ve picked up CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, CCDP, CCSE, RHCE and CISSP. Along the way I’ve had a few others that I’ve let expire – that is of course the problem with having multiple certifications, they need to be renewed. The more you have, the more time you end up renewing them. That’s what I’ve just been up to, renewing my CCNP and CCDP. I had to pass a routing exam to do this. Routing is not a big part of what I do these days, making it a bit challenging. Probably not quite as challenging as when I last renewed it, three years ago in Singapore, after a year on the road, not even doing any technical work. It wasn’t easy, but I passed, and now that’s covered for another 3 years.

I’m now seriously considering studying for CCIE, a very high level networking certification. It will take me at least 6-9 months to complete, with a high chance of failure the first time I try sitting the lab exam. Put this together with the fact that Anna is working hard at university, and our flatmate is going to be studying part time while working full time, and things are going be to a bit dull and studious around here for a while…


OK, Sorry about that

I’m not dead. Not yet, anyway. In spite of what you may think, engagement has not led to me completely dropping off the face of the earth. Admittedly, it has meant a precipitous decline in the travel opportunities, but there’s a time for everything, and at the moment it’s a time for working and saving money. Getting married is expensive you know.

This being New Zealand, everything more or less shuts down around Christmas/New Years, and with the office closed, I’ve just had a bit of time off. This year has broken my run of 5 Christmases in 5 different countries – I’ve now spent 2 of the last 3 Christmases in New Zealand. So it was a good chance to catch up with family. This used to be a simple exercise, but now my own family is spread around, and I have a whole new branch to account for. Rather than have the whole lot in one hit, you see different branches at different times, spreading things out over several weeks.

Starting a week before Christmas, we had Anna’s brother visiting, with his wife and children. 3 lovely kids, but all under 10, and when it rained the whole day on Sunday, and we were all stuck in the house…let’s just say I don’t know how mothers cope.

We then spent time with my parents, and my brothers family, before heading further north to Anna’s father’s orchard. More family connections there too. We’ve seen plenty of nieces and nephews over the last few weeks, and as much as people talk about how lovely children are, Anna and I are OK with not having kids right now…

Over at the Met Service, they have been predicting all kinds of doom, but they do seem to be scare-mongering. I can’t understand why they can’t just stick to having the forecast in the paper. Instead they have “Weather ambassadors” and “Head analysts” giving interviews and writing columns in the paper. So we’ve had generally hot fine weather, a far cry from anything going on in Europe right now.

We even managed to get in a bit of pleasure diving, picking up a few scallops, and seeing heaps of fish. It’s nice to be able to dive in just a wetsuit, without hoods, or extra layers under the wetsuit, or a drysuit. Other divers go on about wearing drysuits all the time, so they never feel any cold, but there’s something nice about being in the water, feeling it next to your skin, and feeling so much more free in just a wetsuit. I think I should head up to Thailand again, so I can dive in just a shorty wetsuit. Perhaps next summer?

A date has been set for our wedding, early next summer. Naturally, as the man, my responsibilities are limited. One thing I do have complete free reign over is the honeymoon. Obviously since it’s southern hemisphere summer, my choices are a little restricted, but with two months holiday, where do I go? And do I try and get Anna on the bike? Have to think about it.