Cambodia – hot and flat, but hey, when you’ve got the largest religious building in the world, and it’s just one temple in a huge complex, it’s probably worth the diversion. Just don’t step too far off the road when you want to go to the toilet, who knows what landmines are there?
Classic sculpture, just sitting at the end of a random bridge.
It wasn’t all hot and flat though – this was just off to the side of the Mekong, along a dirt road.
The best thing about this bridge is that it’s made of bamboo and remade every year. Good thing I didn’t have to ride over it.
It was a bit disconcerting when the tarseal ran out in the middle of a field, with no signage anywhere. Luckily some other cyclists had warned me of this 10km dirt stretch. I just followed what seemed to be the biggest road.
Angkor Wat. And more…just a massive complex of temples, here’s enough photos to bore you silly.