
Christmas at home

The Christmas just been was the first one that I have spent with my family in the last four years. The previous three Christmases had been spent in three different countries, usually with friends, but not with family. So it was a nice return to a more traditional Christmas. Especially since I really couldn’t say where I’ll be for the next three Christmases.

My Northern Hemisphere readers will have a different view of Christmas, and will no doubt think of it as strange that we celebrate Christmas in the middle of summer – long hot days and balmy evenings. But really, it’s not that much different to here. The routine here was similar to the usual, starting out with Dad’s Christmas lunch at the pub over the road from home. Years ago this started out as my father and a colleague having lunch together just before Christmas. He’d buy Al a jug, Al would shout him one, then they’d say righto, see you next year, and off they’d go on holiday.

Somewhere along the way that grew, and it seemed to become the de-facto Christmas function for the various self-employed tradesmen of Whangarei, and other assorted hangers-on (that would be the category I fit into). It became something of an institution. Nothing fancy, just KT bistro food. No big corporate budget either – if you were lucky Dad would shout you a jug. But every year, usually around about the last Friday before Christmas, the Kensington Tavern was the place to be for a seafood basket and a jug of Lion Red. Obviously I’d missed a few attendances over the last few years, but I wasn’t missing it this time.

The follow on from there is to go out on the town in Whangarei on Christmas Eve – many people around my age have moved away from Whangarei, to various points, and this is the one time of the year most of them are back. So there’s a good opportunity to catch up with people. Things have changed a bit though – most people around my age seem to have kids now, and not so many people are going out on the town. Ah well. At least I made it home by around 2:00am – my younger brother was a couple of hours later. This means that Christmas Day is a little bit slow – I had the one nap, I think Jackson went back to bed for at least three separate naps.

My older brother Cameron, along with his wife and children had also joined us in Whangarei. This of course meant kids in the house on Christmas Day – not what you want if you’re trying to sleep in a bit. But they were quite good, and we didn’t get up at too early an hour. The usual cooked breakfast, some bubbles, presents, and family friends visiting. Then off to visit some of the neighbours, followed by a rest in the afternoon, then a big dinner, including turkey. See? Not really that different to a Northern Hemisphere Christmas. Except that we went fishing and scallop diving on Boxing Day, not something one tends to do when one lives in Edinburgh.

There was one wrinkle to the Christmas Day celebrations – on Christmas Eve, we went to get the ham out of the beer fridge in the garage. Except it wasn’t there. Hang on, it was in there yesterday. And where’s the turkey that we had started defrosting? And the bottles of bubbly? What the…? Turned out someone had taken a turkey, most of a ham, a few bottles of wine, and a bucket to carry it in. On December 23rd. Bastards. Leaving one day to get some replacements, when almost every available turkey in town had been sold. A bit of running around, and Dad managed to track down the last two available turkeys – and paid suitably for them. But no matter, it all worked out well in the end.

One side note – the police came around that afternoon, to investigate, and took elimination fingerprints from me – it turns out that my fingerprints are quite faint, and don’t leave good clear prints at all. Perhaps a new career beckons for me?


More bikes, more biking

I know, it’s been ages since I’ve posted anything. Plenty of things to catch up with, but I’ll break that into a few posts. This one will just stick to bike-related stuff.

Prior to leaving NZ, I rode a Marin hardtail mountain bike for several years. On returning, I took up mountain biking again, and have been spending a lot of time on the trails. The bike’s been showing its age, and I’ve had to replace quite a few parts over the last few months. Due to the pricing structure of parts vs. buying a whole new bike, going for a full upgrade started looking like a better option.

The classic mountain biking thing is to start out with a hardtail, then upgrade to a full suspension bike (before later going to a singlespeed, then a 29 inch bike, but that’s another story). The NZ dollar has fallen dramatically in the last few months, and this has significantly driven up the prices in local currency. So there was a bit of thinking about whether I should go for a more expensive full suspension bike, and just how much did I want to spend. A few catalogues and trips to bike stores later, and I bought this from one of my local bike stores:

Giant Trance

A 2009 Giant Trance. Very nice setup, all SLX components, full suspension, weight pretty similar to my hardtail. I took it out for a ride around Woodhill that afternoon. Very different feel to the old bike – it just rode over obstacles on the track, with the rear wheel staying on the track, and not losing power. Flew down the trails, staying in control far better – this could be trouble though, as I’ll be tempted to ride much faster than perhaps is safe.

To that end, I went to a mountain bike skills clinic. Sure, I’ve done a bit of riding in my time – but I learnt a lot on this one day course. A large part of the day is getting your bike set up correctly – this alone was worth the entry fee. The skills covered are very fundamental, but they do go against the bad habits I’ve picked up over the years, and will take a bit of getting used to. Once I’ve got it right, I’ll be far more in control on the trails, and able to take on much more challenging terrain.

These new skills didn’t manage to prevent a rather spectacular crash though. I was riding through some long grass, and rode into a pothole obscured by the grass. I went into it, tipped over the bars, and because I was clipped in, the bike went over after me. Somewhere along the way something smashed into my thigh, and gave me a rather nasty gash. Good thing Gabby (the instructor) had a decent first aid kit with her…


Settling in at last

It’s taken six months, but I finally feel like I’m settling back in to New Zealand life. It’s taken a while, and a lot of careful averting of the eyes every time I walk past a travel agent, but I think I’m getting the hang of it.

Two things have helped: One is that summer is here, with a scorching weekend in Auckland. Long warm evenings, then getting up early to go for a bike ride with friends in the forest, just dappled sunlight through the trees, cicadas chirping and birds singing – hard to beat. Second is that my social calendar has been unusually packed the last couple of weeks, and things don’t show any signs of abating between now and Christmas. A combination of catching up with friends, various parties, and vendors putting on Christmas functions. All good, if a little tiring.

The ears have been better with diving too – I went out again to the Poor Knights, on a day trip with Tara. Just the two dives, and not too deep. The water was two degrees warmer, and I can assure you, it made all the difference. Was a bit annoyed to just miss seeing a sunfish – Michelle could have only been a few metres away when she took a picture of one. Didn’t see any rays there either – but then saw one right up in the Tutukaka marina, next to the shore, in about a foot of water. Still, there were heaps of interesting fish there, especially around Cleanerfish bay.

One of the great things about living in Auckland is that I was able to tie that trip in with seeing my parents in Whangarei. It is a bit strange when you get home on a Friday night and your parents are out, and you go to bed before they get home. Something not quite right there.

So now I need to decide just how much I should get into diving – a friend of a friend is selling a dive computer at a very good price, and I can get that, and then a wetsuit, and a BCD, and regs, and…where am I going to put it all? Need to get a bigger flat. Not to mention the question of how will I pay for it all.

Sunday was a rather nice garden party celebrating Tara’s birthday. Made a change to the standard evening pub drinks thing. Plus it was a good excuse to get out my suit and bowtie. Drinking a couple of glasses of wine in the sun seems to give me a bit of a headache though.

So it’s busy busy for the next few weeks. Just put my leave application in, I’ll take a few days off around Christmas/New Years – perhaps I should make it the full two weeks, then I can go on the liveaboard dive trip the weekend before Christmas?


Let Down by my Ears

Those who have met me in person know that I am partly deaf. I was born that way, and when you don’t know what you’re missing, you get along OK. I seemed to cope with it, getting through life more or less fine. I never really felt left out, or overly frustrated by it – although those around me probably did. Getting hearing aids at the age of 20 made a massive difference – I didn’t absolutely have to be looking at someone when they spoke to me, although it still helped.

This year I’ve done some diving – 10 dives now – and people will of course think hey diving’s perfect if you’re deaf – you can’t talk underwater anyway! There is of course some truth in that. And of course you know about issues with equalisation when descend/ascend, and clearing your ears.

But what you don’t always know about is the aftereffects of the combination of water and pressure on your ears, and consequently your hearing. That water getting forced in there doesn’t really do it any favours, and so after diving you leave your hearing aids out, to let them dry out a bit. Not having your aids in, and having water in there makes you rather deaf – lucky it was good friends on the boat with me. It’s easier with voices that you’re familiar with. It does make you wary of joining conversations though, as you’re not sure if you’re missing things, or misinterpreting them.

We did a lot of diving that weekend at the Poor Knights, and it seemed to be too much, too deep, too soon for me. My ears were sore for a couple of days, and I felt a little more deaf than usual. Ronelle put me onto Vosol – a couple of drops in each ear in the evening. That helped a bit, but it’s not a cool look sitting around with toilet paper in your ears…Things weren’t quite right by the weekend though, so rather than exacerbate the problem, my advisor said I was better to give it a rest. So I’m going to have to wait until this weekend to try again – not too deep this time though.

On a completely different note – There is No Depression in New Zealand. I went out to Sale St Bar last night to catch up with some old university friends. The place was pretty busy, for a Wednesday night. It’s a big place, so that means quite a few people there. That place must be absolutely heaving on a Friday night, all the people who want to be seen out for a good time.


Getting cold and wet…and loving it

My friend Ronelle is back in the country for a very limited time, in transit from South Africa to South America. She is now a qualified dive instructor, and encouraged me to complete the PADI Advanced Open Water course, on a liveaboard trip to the Poor Knights. I had completed the first Open Water course in Thailand earlier this year, but had not been out diving since. This was a good excuse to do some more diving, complete the course, see the highly rated Poor Knights, and most importantly, catch up with Ronelle and Tara.

We drove up on Friday night, slept on the boat in the marina, then headed out on Saturday morning. Hanging around being monkeys seemed to be part of the pre-dive warmup:

Hanging on the back of the Pacific Hideaway

A busy weekend followed, with four dives on Saturday, and two more on Sunday. I was only diving in a 5mm wetsuit, and with water temperatures around 15°, I was getting pretty cold and tired, so I sat out the third and last dive on the Sunday. We had some good dives though, doing things like navigation, going deep (26m), night diving (perhaps not my cup of tea), and probably my favourite, the naturalist. Basically for that you just went and looked at the fish, plants and animals. That’s more like what diving should be. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t suitable for doing a wreck dive on the way home, and indeed the trip back was a bit more interesting, but it was still good on the sheltered side of the islands.

I didn’t get home until 11pm on Sunday night, and was pretty well stuffed at work on Monday. No worries though, it was a really good weekend. Special mention to my Dive Master Tara, for looking after me, and getting me home safely. I’m not sure that drinking with your students the night before a deep dive is recommended practice though…

I don’t know how much more diving I’ll be able to fit in, as I’ve got lots of other things to do with my weekends, and I don’t know where I’d store the gear around my apartment, but I will be going out again this weekend, a bit closer to home, at Goat Island. Hopefully get a feed of scallops too.

And finally, here’s something you don’t do every day: get your ex girlfriend to help you write an ad for an Internet dating site. Hopefully I don’t come across as many odd sorts as she did. We’ll see how it works out. With a bit of luck, I’ll at least make a few new friends.


Vote Early, Vote Often

I don’t think I’ve ever managed to be in my home electorate for polling day. I’m always overseas, or in a different part of the country, or something. This year is no exception, although it was a bit easier to cast a special vote this time, by going in to the main electoral office. It was just like voting on polling day really, but without the crowds. Perhaps that’s why one third of Americans vote early. I didn’t even need to make up an excuse, I just ticked the box on the form. Easy. And now I can go and vote a few more times if the last leaders’ debate changes my mind, right?

Other happenings: You may have heard of the “Dangerous Book for Boys” – well my parents have got me a dangerous book of sorts. The “Insight Deluxe World Atlas” – that’s right, an atlas weighing 5kg. 1:4.5M maps of the world, along with details on the great touring routes of the world. Dangerous indeed. I have to restrict my reading of it though, I might get too many ideas for spending the next decade on the road.

I think I do need to go overseas again too, just so that I can get my bike services. When I was in Iran, and my bike needed some work, I found a place that sorted it out right there, while I waited. In China, going into a bike shop got me invited to a Christmas party. In Alice Springs, the helpful staff went out of their way to help me out, reshuffling other jobs around, to ensure I could get back on the road in a reasonable timeframe. So surely it can’t be that hard to get my mountain bike serviced here in NZ, given that there are 4 bike shops within one kilometre of my house, with another due to open next week. Alas.

My preferred shop, that I walk past every day, had just had their mechanic leave, and so couldn’t do any major work required. OK, it happens. So I find another place, and get told that it will be a minimum of two weeks before they can look at it. Hmmm. Oh well, let’s book it in then. So I go through a list of what I want done, and they write it down on the job card, and tell me to bring the bike back in a fortnight. Righto. Just under two weeks later I turn up to drop the bike off. Wait, we don’t seem to have any record of your booking. Ah finally we find the job card, but we don’t seem to have actually scheduled your bike in. The schedule’s pretty well chocka, but it looks like we can squeeze it across a few slots. Well that’s fine, as long as I get it back before the weekend. Of course sir, we’ll call you on Thursday to confirm it.

There was quite a bit of work to be done, so I was expecting a confirmation call if it was going to be an expensive job. No phone call on Thursday, so on Friday I rung them up to confirm it was ready. Yes, we tried contacting you, and left messages. Er, no, no you didn’t, as I don’t have any missed calls or voicemail messages. Well, the bike is ready anyway.

So I turn up early on Saturday morning, planning on picking up the bike early, so I could go out for a club ride in the afternoon. Wait a second, my bike looks exactly the same…they hadn’t even started the job. No note, nothing. Just hadn’t done it, even though it was clearly marked as being on the day schedule. WTF?

Not happy. Not happy at all. Especially since there’s a reasonable chance that they’ll tell me it’s going to cost more than $500, and I’ll be better off getting a new bike anyway…