
Getting into the swing of it

Well, that’s the first 500km knocked off. Set off a week ago from Greenwich, under a glorious late-winter clear sunny day. Had a nice escort out of London with a local touring group who were going for a ride along the Thames path. They stopped for coffee at Erith, and then I was on my own.

Pushing on down to Dover, I got picked up by the cops in Canterbury for riding somewhere I wasn’t supposed to. I thought I was following a bike path, but I guess not. Got off with a warning though. Got the ferry over to Calais, and after some fun riding in the dark with no lights, got a hotel. The campsite doesn’t open until Easter apparently.

Got a rip in my sidewall, so swapped over the rear tyre – thanks to those who convinced me to carry a spare tyre. Will try and pick up another spare in Germany I think.

I was going to cross France and direct into Germany, but after taking into account the wind forecast, I decided to head more north-east, and into Belgium. I’m in Namur now, and will try and make it to Bastogne tomorrow, before crossing Luxembourg, and into Germany.

Has been hard going for the first few days, but I’m starting to get into the swing of it, and it’s getting a little bit easier now. Another week or two and I should be good. I had thought I’d have more time to do some thinking, but it’s funny how you keep occupied with stuff like route planning, food and water, where to stop, etc.

Perhaps it will be different when I’m camping, and I can’t watch the French version of “Wheel of Fortune”. Not sure exactly why, but it has been compulsory viewing for me. Hopefully I can find a German equivalent shortly.


Left a good job in the city…

Well, it wasn’t exactly in the city, but it was a good job – and now I’ve left it. I finished work last week, and now I’m in NZ, enjoying some warmth and sunshine.

A few days in Auckland, time for a haircut and a few booster jabs. Will head up to Whangarei tomorrow, to spend a few days at the beach.

It’s good to be home again – there’s something nice about walking down the street, and every house is different to the one next to it. What a novel idea. Good to catch up with a few old friends too, enjoying the balmy weather, sitting outside well into the evening.

Now that I’ve finished work, things are starting to seem closer, more real – it’s only just over two weeks until I’m on the road! I’m now getting into the living out of a bag stage too. Still got lots of stuff here though, so I haven’t yet had to adjust to having one clean/one dirty. Handwashing’s not too far away though…

For those in NZ, will try and catch up in the next 10 days. For those in the UK, we’ll have to do something on the 16th. Not sure what yet, will probably be fairly low-key though. Starting with a mean hangover might not be a good idea.


Beer and Chocolate

And waffles of course. Just a quick post about a recent trip to Bruges, in Belgium. I went with some good friends for a long weekend, via Eurostar. Definitely the way to travel – so much less hassle than flying anywhere. I like arriving in the centre of town, rather than some godforsaken industrial wasteland miles from the city.

I learnt several things about Belgium:

  • They understand nice dogs – this pleases me greatly, for it will make riding through there so much easier next year. All the dogs were nice friendly breeds, well kept. I think I equate that with nice people. It’s the f**kwits who want ugly fighting dogs.
  • They love their rotisserie chicken – I don’t believe I have ever seen so many chickens being rotisserised at one point, as at the market in Bruges.
  • You can drink copious quantities of Belgian beer without suffering from a hangover, provided you get enough sleep. 11-12 hours is good.

Work is ticking along well – I’m really enjoying my current contract. The only thing that is killing me is the commute – I spend between 3.5 and 5 hours commuting every day, depending on how Thameslink is feeling today. I was quite impressed by their effort today – it took us nearly half an hour to cover the distance that Southern manages to cover in about 7 minutes. I haven’t quite worked out why, but for some reason there is a train pecking order, and Thameslink is the very bottom of the heap. Frequently trains stop – not at a station – for no apparent reason. Some times they roar along, proving they can go fast. Other times they just trundle along at about walking pace. My personal favourite is when we are forced to stop at a station to let other trains go past…but we don’t let anyone on! I also can’t work out why we trundle through stations when other trains fly through, barely slowing down.

Oh well. Less than 7 weeks to go, and then I’m going to go to NZ for 2-3 weeks, before coming back up this way, to set off home again…the slow way


You can’t watch Xena reruns forever

Apparently. At least that’s what people tell me. I might disagree, but anyways, I have decided it’s time to be back at work. With that in mind, I’m starting a new contract. I was just getting into being unemployed – I knew what time Knight Rider and The A-Team were on, I even saw a little bit of Ricki one day – just a little bit though, there are limits.

Another 3 month contract this time, which suits me well. It will take me through until the end of January, which is near when I’m aiming to depart. A possible 1 month extension could work well, or maybe even more if there’s a particularly bad patch of weather going across Europe.

The only problem is that I’m now going to have to become a commuter. I’m in zone 5, south of London, whereas the closest train station to my new workplace is in zone 6, to the north of London. Luckily First Capital Connect serves both East Croydon and Elstree and Borehamwood, so I only have to change once, and I can stay on the train system the whole way. Still, I’m looking at around an hour on the trains, plus a 20-25 minute walk. I’m not sure how people regularly do that sort of time – or longer – but I guess I’m going to find out. Certainly I’ll now have plenty of time to read The Economist though. No more going home at lunchtime though.

It’s going to make visiting the chiro and physio particularly difficult. I think they do have extended hours, but it’s going go be tricky to fit it in. I may have to try and find someone else, closer to work.

Daylight savings has just ended here. That means that sunset is now 16:40 – and it’s still October! There’s something very wrong about that. In another couple of weeks I’ll be leaving the house in the dark, and leaving work in the dark. I was thinking about doing a snowboarding trip over winter, but perhaps I should be planning a trip to somewhere sunny instead…


We have a new home!

After much procrastination, I have finally moved by blog over to be hosted at my own website! It was actually all pretty painless in the end. Since I’d done most of the work by setting up my template so that my blog looked like the rest of my website, it was all pretty straightforward. All I had to do was change the publishing to push it to, and republish it. Easy.

The other thing I’ve done is to set up a stub blog at, so that if anyone goes to the old address, they’ll be presented with a message telling them to go to Easier than trying to tell everyone.

I’ve updated a few other links on the website, and I think I’ve got everything covered now.

Right now, I’m in the middle of trying to sort out another big update to my content, with some plans I’ve got for next year. Hopefully I’ll get some maps sorted shortly, and then I’ll be able to start putting up some more information. Stay tuned.

When I’m feeling keen, I’ll sit down and go through the CSS properly for my blog section. Right now it’s a bit of a mess, with some styles being repeated in the external sheet and inline, and some stuff only defined inline. I’ll try and move it into my external stylesheet, to clean things up a bit. Failing that, I could maybe create a separate blog stylesheet. Hmmm, that might be a better way to do it. I’ll see what works out.


Another side to England

For those that have never seen English towns, and have images in their mind of rows of depressing streets of joined-up houses, just like Coronation Street, under a grey sky…well they’re all true. I find English housing just completely depressing, something about all the houses built the same just wears me down. Somehow though, when you see the individual touches – e.g. the fake stone cladding on one house in a row of 10 – it almost makes things worse. Perhaps it is exacerbated by my living in Croydon, home of the Croydon facelift. It’s not that Croydon is bad, it’s more just that nothing marks it out – you walk down the High Street, and you could be anywhere in England

But anyway, that’s not what I wanted to write about. I’ve been on a couple of 100km bike rides over the last couple of weekends. First was to Brighton, using the national cycle network route 21 and 20, and the next was a loop from Canterbury around to Dover and Folkestone. Sustrans does a great job of building/maintaining/promoting a 10,000 mile network of cycle routes throughout the UK. The thing I’ve found suprising about them is the huge distances you can travel without going through any major town, and staying almost entirely off-road, or on minor country roads. An interesting thing is that while almost every road is sealed, often they are very narrow roads – if I was in a car, hedges would be brushing both wing mirrors. Not exactly sure how vehicles pass – a combination of gross tonnage, and out-staring the other driver, I expect.

So I’ve been able to go on some great rides, seeing very little traffic, and indeed few people. Not always the most direct route from A to B, but that’s not an issue for me – afterall, I’m trying to clock up distance, not get to a certain point as quickly as possible. Linking in with the train system is brilliant too – it opens up all sorts of journeys. Rather than having to do an out and back ride, or trying to work out some sort of loop, I can head out somewhere, then just get the train back home. Not that cheap in NZ$ to do it, but it’s not too bad. It gives me a lot more options for places to go. I think I might try heading north or west of London for my next weekend trip. Perhaps not another 100km ride though, maybe more like 75km or so.

Still a few issues to work out with my bike in terms of setup, but things are coming together. One thing I was forcibly reminded of on Saturday though – always carry a spare tube. Don’t rely on patch kits, especially when it’s raining. It rained for most of the time I was out on Saturday, so I was completely soaked through and covered in mud and crap. Getting a puncture on a small country lane in the middle of nowhere is not much fun. I couldn’t fix it properly, and ended up having to ride on with a slow leak, pumping it up every 4-5km. Luckily I only had another 20-odd km to go by then. Still, I met a couple of interesting people along the way, so it was worth it.

One in particular stood out – an older gentleman I met riding into Canterbury. He had been at a nearby village, visiting the local butcher. We got chatting, and I mentioned that I was from NZ, and was now living in London. His response: Why? Hmmm, maybe I need to think about that one a bit…

But for some of the good things London has, Suzie and I visited Lord’s cricket ground on Sunday, for the tour. I was quite suprised to find it was a very detailed tour – about 2 hours all up. A pretty interesting place. It must be very intimidating for first-time visiting teams, particularly when incoming batsman have to walk through the Long Room past the members, then between the members sitting in front of the Pavillion. Even more intimidating if you come back in cheaply, having to make the same long walk, to deathly silence.

Looks like I’ve got some weekend work coming up soon, so I might have to re-jig some of my planned rides – I think I might get the train to Brighton, then head out along the coast for 30km or so, then back to Brighton, then train home.